A sound journey with Ashley Shelton on August 8th from 7-9pm.
A blue lotus and cacao elixir will bring us together and then relax into yourself with the sounds of the gongs, bowls, chimes and other shamanic sound tools. Bring a friend and a mat or anything for your comfort as we will lay down for about an hour for the sound journey.
Email Ashley soundandritual@gmail.com with questions.
$25 exchange
Inspired by her childhood in the Texas hill country, some of Ashley's greatest teachers have been the wildflowers and endless sky. Sitting by her great grandmothers side for many years, she learned the value of creation as a healer and the value of nature and sound, planting in her great grandfathers garden and listening to the bird calls. Her devotion to sound and nature's energy is transmitted in her sound healings and meditations. She brings a unique essence to the practice of sound healing with her sweet meditations that allow one to go deep into states of self discovery and healing.
Her yoga practice started at the age of 16 and she teaches and holds space to share the practices that continue to bring her healing. She has been teaching since 2014. Certified with 1000 plus hours of training in hatha and kundalini yogas, sound therapies, yoga nidra, various energy healing modalities including reiki, and children's yoga.
Ashley is a published writer, artist, sound therapist, reiki master and mother.