Women Of West Go East
Women of WEST Go East
Cloud Tree Studios & Gallery, 3411 E. 5th St.
Opening Reception: Friday, May 3rd, 6-9 PM
On view: Saturday, Saturday May 4th, 12-4p PM
A pop-up exhibition curated by Laura Lynn Johnson featuring artists in stand-alone studios participating in the WEST Austin Studio Tour. Postcards with featured artists’ WEST locations will be available on site.
Participating artists include:
Nora McMillen Burke
Victoria Corbett
Valerie Fowler
Ruth Heffron
Lauren Hill
Suzanne Koett
Laura Lynn Johnson
Rachel Lavin
Hattie Lindsley
Kirsten Lofgren
Anna Mallam
Katy McCarthy
Frieda Pangestu
Alicia Philley
Jill Robinson
Hallie Rae Ward
Camille Woods